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Attempting An Assessment

Last updated on Jul 01, 2024

Pausing An Assessment

Testfuse lets candidates pause an assessment while attempting it. To pause an assessment, you must finish one complete test type while attempting it.

However, if you do not see a timer on your screen while attempting the test, your assessment is paused, thus, you can safely return to the dashboard. You will be able to resume where you left off.

Resuming An Assessment

It just takes one click for candidates to resume an assessment on Testfuse. You can right away resume an assessment after pausing it but if you have returned to the dashboard here is what you must do:

  1. Navigate on the left side menu to find Assessments.

  2. Click on Assessments and you will see a list of all active assessments that you have been invited to. Alongside, you will see assessments that are in progress.

  3. Click on Resume on the assessment that you want to resume.

Qualifying Questions

Candidates cannot attempt an assessment unless they correctly answer the qualifying questions.

If you fail to answer qualifying questions you will be directed back to the dashboard. If not, then you will be further able to attempt the assessment.

Welcome Video

Candidates get to see the welcome video as set up by the recruiter. This way, you can get better insights into the company and job before attempting the assessment.

Skill-based test

  1. Before every distinct skill-based test you will have to click on Start Test

  2. You will now see MCQs according to the skill that you are being tested for.

  3. Choose the right answer and click Next.

  4. Keep attempting tests until you see the assessment progress and can move on to the next test type.

Coding test

  1. Before every distinct coding test, you will have to click on Start Test

  2. You will now see a coding interface where you will have to code according to the problem statement.

  3. You can run your code against a set of public unit tests to see if you're going in the right direction, in terms of solving the problem. Click on the Run button in the coding interface to run your code against public unit tests.

  4. Type in your code and click Next.

  5. Keep attempting tests until you see the assessment progress and can move on to the next test type.


Please refrain from solving only the public tests. There is a private set of tests based on which you will actually be scored. To get a perfect score you must carefully read the problem description and write a solution according to the requirements/constraints.

Value fitness test

  1. Before starting the value fitness test, you will have to click on Start Test

  2. You will now see MCQs according to the organizational values that you are being tested for.

  3. Choose the right answer and click Next.

  4. Keep attempting tests until you see the assessment progress and can move on to the next test type.

Case Study test

  1. You will see an introductory statement telling you about the Case Study as soon as you start a Case Study test.

  2. Read it carefully and click ‘Yes I am ready to start an assessment’.

  3. You will now be directed to the response screen where you will be asked to answer one or more questions with text, video, or file upload response types.

  4. Once satisfied with your response, click submit.

Text Response test

  1. Before beginning the text response test, you will have to click on Start Test.

  2. You will then be directed to a screen where you will find the problem statement and will be able to answer it within a set time limit.

  3. After you are done writing click on Submit to move on to the next test in the assessment.

Video Response test

  1. Before beginning the video response test, you will have to click on Start Test.

  2. You will then be directed to a screen where you will be able to set up your camera and mic.

Camera and Mic Setup

Make sure that Testfuse can access your camera and mic via the browser. This is how you can manage:

  1. Look into camera and mic settings.

  2. Grant permissions.

  3. Later, use the Test Camera button to test whether your camera is working fine.

  4. To record a response, you must click on Start Recording.

  5. Once done, click on Submit to move on to the next test.

File Upload Test

  1. Before beginning the upload test, you will have to click on Start Test.

  2. Now you will see a screen where you will find the problem statement and will be able to upload it to a file.

  3. Click on Upload file and then Submit.

AI-Driven Personality Insights

Testfuse delivers AI-Driven Personality Insights that use video and textual responses to deliver comprehensive findings into a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses for better hiring decisions. To be able to enable the recruiter to analyze your personality using AI, you must carefully attempt the text and video response tests.