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Analyzing Results

Accessing Recruiter Dashboard The recruiter dashboard on Testfuse is highly accessible. You can view and analyze results based on assessment performance with ease. Besides, you can also view assessment attempts per candidate. Here is how all this is done: - View results per Active Assessment 1. From the left side menu click on Assessments and access Active from the sub menu. 2. Click on the Assessment name to access the results dashboard. 3. Now you will see a list of Candidates who have or are currently attempting the assessment. You can switch between tabs to filter candidates. Results filter and Tabs All Candidates Here you will see all the candidates that have tried to attempt the assessment or have been invited to attempt it. Pending This tab will show all the candidates that have not yet shown up to attempt the assessment despite having an invite sent. In Progress This tab will show all the candidates that are currently attempting the assessment and have not finally submitted it. Completed This tab will show all the candidates who have completed and finally submitted the assessment. Declined This tab will show all the candidates who were invited to attempt an assessment but choose to decline the invitation. Not Qualified This tab will show all the candidates that could not qualify for the qualifying questions while attempting an assessment. 1. Click on any Candidate to access results in detail. A comprehensive side menu will open on the right providing all the test progress in detail. - View results per Candidate 1. From the left side menu click on Candidates. 2. Click on the Candidate name to access the results dashboard. 3. Now you will see a list of Assessments that the selected Candidate has tried to attempt or was invited to attempt. Results filter and Tabs All Assessments Here you will see all the assessments that a candidate was invited to attempt. Pending This tab will show all the assessments that a candidate did not show up for and neither declined. In Progress This tab will show all the assessments that a candidate is currently attempting and has not submitted yet. Completed This tab will show all the assessments that a candidate completed and submitted. Declined This tab will show all the assessments that a candidate was invited to but was declined. Not Qualified This tab will show all the assessments that a candidate couldn’t qualify for. 1. Click on any Assessment to access results in detail. A comprehensive side menu will open on the right providing all the test progress in detail. Assessment Criteria Assessment criteria are where you can go back and analyze the assessment that you created. This helps recruiters make better decisions based on candidate performance. This is how you can access assessment criteria: 1. Access an active assessment from the recruiter dashboard. 2. Click on View Criteria 3. You can now see what questions you added while designing an assessment. 4. Switch between tabs to view Qualifying Questions as well. Team Roles Every team role on Testfuse has a different set of rights according to which they can add value to the hiring decisions. The following roles are available on Testfuse: - Owner: The person who creates and owns an account on Testfuse is known as the Owner. An Owner can have access to all rights on the platform, from creating assessments to managing billing settings, they can do it all. - Admin: An Admin role is granted by the Owner to a team member. Admin can further invite team members on the platform however cannot access billing settings. - Member: Any team member can be invited to Testfuse with the role of a member. Members only have the right to view assessments and change the hiring stage. Hiring Stage The hiring stage can be set up by the Owner, Admin, or Member. This is done to identify which candidate has reached the next hiring stage. Besides, it is used to identify and track candidates’ hiring stages within Testfuse. This is the process to set up the hiring stage on Testfuse: 1. Access assessment results either by viewing results per candidate or viewing results per assessment. 2. On the comprehensive side menu, you can select the hiring stage in the top right corner. From the drop-down menu you can select either one from the following hiring stages: Pending This is the default hiring stage. Every candidate will be marked as pending until the hiring stage is manually selected. Rejected A recruiter or any team member can mark a candidate as rejected if he/she does not perform well. Shortlisted A recruiter or any team member can mark a candidate as shortlisted if they further choose to invite him or her for an interview or the next hiring stage. AI-Driven Personality Insights Testfuse delivers AI-Driven Personality Insights that use video and textual responses to deliver comprehensive findings into a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses for better hiring decisions. To enable Ai-Driven Personality Insights, you must add Text or/and Video Responses to your assessment. Learn how to set up Text and Video Responses on Testfuse: 1. Drag and drop the Text Response or Video Response test type from the right sidebar. 2. Either add custom questions or pick from pre-defined question statements. 3. Set a time duration limit from the drop-down menu. 4. Set the questions mandatory if required. 5. Check the Allow Candidate to Upload File box if you want to enable candidates to upload answers as a file. 6. Repeat steps 2-5 for every new question that you add.

Last updated on Jul 01, 2024

Getting Started with Testfuse

Platform Overview (all tabs defined) Getting to know a new platform can be a complex task but with this platform overview, we are trying to make things simple. We will walk you through the basics of Testfuse in this section starting from introducing you to the elements of the interface. 1. Assessment Tab The Assessment Tab from the left side menu is where you land first once you sign in to Testfuse. This tab consists of sub-tabs that move you through assessments according to their active status. Following are the sub-tabs available: - Active This is the default landing assessment tab, the first screen that you see when you sign in to Testfuse. This tab shows all the active assessments currently available on your dashboard. - Draft This tab shows all the assessments that were not yet published and are still in the process of editing. You can simply click on an assessment and resume to design it according to your requirements. - Archived This tab shows all the archived assessments that no longer can be shared with the candidates to attempt. 2. Candidates The Candidates Tab from the left side menu is where you can find the candidates and review their status on the dashboard. Here you can see the candidates’ names, the number of tests taken, email addresses, the date when the candidate was invited on Testfuse, and their last activity time stamp. 3. Settings The Settings Tab from the left side menu is where you can access different settings. The sub-tabs include Personal, Company, and Team, following actions can take place in each sub-tab: - Personal This is the default settings tab where you get to set up your personal profile on Testfuse. - Company This tab enables you to set up your company profile by adding relevant information and the company logo. - Team This tab enables you to invite all important team members and stakeholders to Testfuse. You can either choose between Admin or Member to grant them a role in Testfuse. 4. Create an Assessment The Create an Assessment button in the Assessments Tab lets you create and design a new assessment. 5. Notifications When you click on Notifications in the left side menu you get to view all notifications from Testfuse. 6. Personal Icon This icon on the bottom left side menu shows your active status. When clicked, this section further expands providing you with options to Edit Profile and Sign Out. Creating an Account The sign-up process with Testfuse is effortless and quick! You just need to do the following: 1. Access www.testfuse.com 2. Click on Try for Free 3. Fill up a simple form, add your Name, Company Name, and Company Email, Set a Password and click on SignUp. 4. You will soon receive a verification email to the added email address, access your mailbox to verify and activate the account on Testfuse. Setting up Profiles Setting up profiles is simple in Testfuse, you need to click on the Settings Tab in the left side menu and do the following: Personal Profile 1. To set up Personal Profile, click Personal in the left side menu under Settings in case you are not viewing the personal tab by default. 2. Fill up your details. 3. Upload your image. 4. Click on Update to save the changes. Company Profile 1. To set up Company Profile, click Company in the left side menu under Settings. 2. Select the industry from the drop-down menu and fill up the rest of the details. 3. Upload the company logo to be able to personalize assessments later. 4. Click on Update to save the changes. Inviting a Team Testfuse enables you to invite all important stakeholders and team members to the platform in just a few easy steps. You can choose a role for every member invited to the platform depending on what rights you want to give. Here is all that you must do: 1. Access Team under the Settings Tab in the left side menu. 2. Click on Add New Team Member in the top right corner of the dashboard. 3. You will see a pop-up appear on the screen, here add a team member’s email address, and pick a role from the drop-down menu. Here is more about the team roles available on Testfuse: Team Roles Every team role on Testfuse has a different set of rights according to which they can add value to the hiring decisions. The following roles are available on Testfuse: - Owner: The person who creates and owns an account on Testfuse is known as the Owner. An Owner can have access to all rights on the platform, from creating assessments to managing billing settings, they can do it all. - Admin: An Admin role is granted by the Owner to a team member. Admin can further invite team members on the platform however cannot access billing settings. - Member: Any team member can be invited to Testfuse with the role of a Member. Members only have the right to view assessments and change the hiring stage. Creating an Assessment Testfuse opens you to a world of comprehensive pre-employment screening based on multiple verticals. From skills and coding abilities to AI-driven personality evaluations, Testfuse makes assessment creation quick and easy. This is what you must do: 1. Click on Assessments on the left side menu and access Active. 2. Now click on Create New Assessment 3. In this interface, you need to first set up the Assessment Name in the top left corner. 4. Next, add test sections by dragging and dropping test types from the right menu. Here you can see how to Create an Assessment in detail. Types of Tests Testfuse offers over 7 unique test types that can be easily added to the assessment you are designing. Every test type can be added as a test section by a simple drag and drop from the right sidebar to the left assessment creation interface. Following are the types of tests available on Testfuse: Skill-based Test This is an MCQs-based test that lets you evaluate a candidate’s soft and hard skills side by side. Learn how to set up a Skill-based test on Testfuse. Coding Test By adding the coding test to an assessment, you can evaluate candidates based on their ability to code. The platform offers a range of basic to high-level language coding tests. To solve these, candidates use built-in coding interfaces. Learn how to set up a Coding test on Testfuse. Value Fitness Test This is an MCQs-based test that lets you evaluate a candidate against your organizational values. Learn how to set up a Value fitness test on Testfuse. Case Study The Case Study test consists of a situation-based introductory passage that is required to introduce the candidate to a problem. Questions are then added to evaluate the candidates’ ability to answer questions related to the situation/problem shared. A candidate can refer to the introductory passage as many times as he or she wants to. Learn how to set up a Case Study test in Testfuse. Text Response This test type allows you to add pre-defined question statements as well as custom ones that candidates answer as an open-ended text response. The text-based responses are used to deliver AI-generated personality insights available on Testfuse. Learn how to set up Text Response on Testfuse. Video Response This test type allows you to add pre-defined question statements as well as custom ones that candidates answer as video responses. The video-based responses are used to deliver AI-generated personality insights available on Testfuse. Learn how to set up Video Responses on Testfuse. File Upload This test type allows you to customize assessments according to organizational needs by being able to request additional documents from the candidates. Learn how to set up File Upload on Testfuse. Inviting a Candidate Inviting a candidate on Testfuse is only possible once you have created and published an assessment. Here are the diverse options to invite candidates to Testfuse: - Invite via Email Just add email addresses to the field available on the right, inside the box named Invite by Email, and click Invite. - Invite via Public Link You can copy the assessment link available on the left, inside the box named Public Link. This link can be shared anywhere on the internet to invite the potential pool of candidates to attempt the published assessment. - Invite via Integrations

Last updated on Jul 01, 2024

Creating and Managing Assessments

How to Create an Assessment? Testfuse opens you to a world of comprehensive pre-employment screening based on multiple verticals. From skills and coding abilities to AI-driven personality evaluations, Testfuse makes assessment creation quick and easy. This is what you must do: 1. Click on Assessments on the left side menu and access Active. 2. Now click on Create New Assessment 3. In this interface, you need to first set up the Assessment Name in the top left corner. 4. Follow the next steps to add test types. REMEMBER, you cannot add more than five test types to an assessment. How to add Test Types? Next, add test sections by dragging and dropping test types from the right sidebar. You will find the following list of test types: [IMAGE] Setting up Skill-based Tests in an Assessment This is an MCQs-based test that lets you evaluate a candidate’s soft and hard skills side by side. Learn how to setup Skill-based tests on Testfuse: 1. Drag and drop the Skill-based test from the right sidebar. 2. Use the search bar to find relevant skills. 3. Click on Add to add the desired test packs, this will automatically add them to your assessment. Setting up Coding Test in an Assessment This is a comprehensive test type. By adding the coding test to an assessment, you can evaluate candidates based on their ability to code. The platform offers a range of basic to high-level language coding tests. To solve these, candidates use built-in coding interfaces. Learn how to setup Coding tests on Testfuse: 1. Drag and drop the Coding test from the right sidebar. 2. Use the search bar to find relevant coding test packs or pick the ones already shown in the interface. 3. You can find basic entry to advanced-level test packs while setting up this test. 4. Click on Add to add the desired coding tests to your assessment. Setting up Value Fitness Test in an Assessment This is an MCQs-based test that lets you evaluate a candidate against your organizational values. Learn how to set up a Value fitness test on Testfuse: 1. Drag and drop the Value fitness test from the right sidebar. 2. Use the search bar to find relevant organizational values. 3. Click on the desired test packs, this will automatically add them to your assessment. Setting up Case Study Test in an Assessment By adding this test type to your assessment, you can add custom problem statements and choose the type of response you want to get from a candidate. You can either choose between a test, video, or file upload to make sure that candidates answer the problem statements as per requirements. Learn how to set up a Case Study test in Testfuse: 1. Drag and drop the Case Study test type from the right sidebar. 2. Set a time duration limit from the top right drop-down menu. 3. Add Introductory Text to explain your custom problem statement. 4. Pick the response type, and choose between text, video, or file upload. 5. Add Question. 6. Mark it mandatory if you want to. 7. Repeat steps 4-6 for every new question that you add. Setting up Text and Video Response Test These test types allow you to add pre-defined question statements as well as custom ones that candidates answer as open-ended text and video responses. The text and video-based responses are used to deliver AI-generated personality insights available on Testfuse. Learn how to set up Text and Video Responses on Testfuse: 1. Drag and drop the Text Response or Video Response test type from the right sidebar. 2. Either add custom questions or pick from pre-defined question statements. 3. In the case of Text Response, set a time duration limit from the drop-down menu. Whereas, for Video Response the duration set is meant to limit the duration of the video recorded not the duration of attempts. 4. Set the questions mandatory if required. 5. Check the Allow Candidate to Upload File box if you want to enable candidates to upload answers as a file. 6. Repeat steps 2-5 for every new question that you add. Setting up File Upload Test This test type allows you to customize assessments according to organizational needs by being able to request additional documents from the candidates. Learn how to set up File Upload on Testfuse: 1. Drag and drop the File Upload test type from the right sidebar. 2. Add a statement or question. 3. Mark it mandatory if required. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for every new statement or question. How to enable AI-Driven Personality Insights? Testfuse delivers AI-Driven Personality Insights that use video and textual responses to deliver comprehensive findings into a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses for better hiring decisions. To enable Ai-Driven Personality Insights you simply need to add Text or/and Video Responses to your assessment. Learn how to set up Text and Video Responses on Testfuse: 1. Drag and drop the Text Response or Video Response test type from the right sidebar. 2. Either add custom questions or pick from pre-defined question statements. 3. Set a time duration limit from the drop-down menu. 4. Set the questions mandatory if required. 5. Check the Allow Candidate to Upload File box if you want to enable candidates to upload answers as a file. 6. Repeat steps 2-5 for every new question that you add. Adding Additional Options to an Assessment You can add a range of additional features to your assessment to make it more personalized, bias-free, and affordable. Here are all the additional features you can add and how: - Welcome Video Welcome Video can be added to make an assessment more interactive and personalized. You can add your company’s introduction or any relevant video of your choice. Here is how it can be added: 1. Click on Welcome Video on the right-side menu. 2. If you want to upload a video file, drag and drop File Upload from the right sidebar. 3. Simply upload a video file of less than 25MB. If you want to add a video link instead, here is what you need to do: 1. Click on the Welcome Video on the right-side menu. 2. Drag and drop Add Link from the right-sidebar. 3. Paste the video link in the Insert Link box and you are good to go. - Qualifying Questions Qualifying Questions not just empower you to only screen the best available candidates but also makes assessments way more affordable. Testfuse only charges $1 per assessment attempt once a candidate qualifies through the Qualifying Questions. A candidate can only attempt an assessment if he/she correctly answers the qualifying questions. Here is how qualifying questions can be added: 1. Drag and drop the type of qualifying questions that you prefer to add from the right-side menu. You can choose from: 1. Numeric 2. True/False 3. MCQs 2. Enter the question statements. 3. Set the answer response according to the question type and you are good to go. How to Publish an Assessment? On Testfuse, an assessment cannot be edited once published. Thus, only publish an assessment once that you have created an ideal assessment that needs no further changes. Publishing an assessment is simple, just follow this: 1. Add test types and additional options to your assessment as per need. 2. Recheck your assessment setup. 3. Click Publish Assessment on the top right corner of the assessment creation interface. 4. Click on Yes Continue on the pop-up only if you are sure about publishing the assessment. How to Invite Candidates? Inviting a candidate on Testfuse is only possible once you have created and published an assessment. Here are the diverse options to invite candidates to Testfuse: - Invite via Email Just add email addresses to the field available on the right, inside the box named Invite by Email, and click Invite. - Invite via Public Link You can copy the assessment link available on the left, inside the box named Public Link. This link can be shared anywhere on the internet to invite the potential pool of candidates to attempt the published assessment.

Last updated on Jul 01, 2024

Types of Tests

Testfuse offers over 8 unique test types that can be easily added to the assessment you are designing. Every test type can be added as a test section by a simple drag and drop from the right sidebar to the left assessment creation interface. Following are the types of tests available on Testfuse: Skill-based Test This is an MCQs-based test that lets you evaluate a candidate’s soft and hard skills side by side. Learn how to set up a Skill-based test on Testfuse. Coding Test By adding the coding test to an assessment, you can evaluate candidates based on their ability to code. The platform offers a range of basic to high-level language coding tests. To solve these, candidates use built-in coding interfaces. Learn how to set up a Coding test on Testfuse. Value Fitness Test This is an MCQs-based test that lets you evaluate a candidate against your organizational values. Learn how to set up a Value fitness test on Testfuse. Personality Insights Test This test type uses AI to analyze candidates' responses to various prompts and questions to generate detailed personality profiles. This can help in understanding candidates' traits, strengths, and potential cultural fit within your organization. Learn how to set up a Personality Insights test on Testfuse. Case Study The Case Study test consists of a situation-based introductory passage that is required to introduce the candidate to a problem. Questions are then added to evaluate the candidates’ ability to answer questions related to the situation/problem shared. A candidate can refer to the introductory passage as many times as he or she wants to. Learn how to set up a Case Study test in Testfuse. Text Response This test type allows you to add pre-defined question statements as well as custom ones that candidates answer as an open-ended text response. The text-based responses are used to deliver AI-generated personality insights available on Testfuse. Learn how to set up Text Response on Testfuse. Video Response This test type allows you to add pre-defined question statements as well as custom ones that candidates answer as video responses. The video-based responses are used to deliver AI-generated personality insights available on Testfuse. Learn how to set up Video Responses on Testfuse. File Upload This test type allows you to customize assessments according to organizational needs by being able to request additional documents from the candidates. Learn how to set up File Upload on Testfuse.

Last updated on Jul 01, 2024

Candidate Help Center

Candidate Help Center Testfuse exclusively offers optimal candidate experience by making the process of attempting assessments highly easy. Despite the process being simple, we truly understand how candidates might sometimes find difficulty in getting familiar with a new platform. This is why we have managed to compile all important stages of the candidate experience. Invitation and Confirmation Candidates can only access Testfuse to attempt assessment if they have been invited by the recruiter. If you are accessing Testfuse via a public link, then the next step for you is to simply set up your account. However, if you have been invited by the recruiter via email, this is what you need to do: 1. Access your mailbox to look for the invitation email, in case you are unable to find an email look into the spam folder as well. 2. Open the email, there you will find all the details stating which company has invited you for which assessment. 3. Click on the Sign Up button and set up your account. Candidate Account Set Up Once you click on the Sign Up button in the email invitation or access the public link, you will now be directed to the account setup. Click login if you are already registered on Testfuse. If not, then follow these guidelines: Creating An Account 1. Access your mailbox to look for the invitation email, in case you are unable to find an email look into the spam folder as well. 2. Open the email, there you will find all the details stating which company has invited you for which assessment. 3. Click on the Sign Up button and set up your account. 4. Enter your Name and set a Password then click Sign up. 5. Now access www.testfuse.com enter your credentials and sign in. You will now be logged in to Testfuse. Setting Up Profile Setting up a profile on Testfuse is quick and easy! Here is all that you must do: 1. Navigate to the left side menu to find Profile Settings. 2. Once you click on Profile Settings you will be able to make changes to your profile. 3. Upload your image, change your name and password if you want to, and click Save Changes. Accessing Assessments The Testfuse interface is highly accessible to candidates. As soon as candidates log in to Testfuse they get to see all active assessments. In case you have accessed some other options on Testfuse and want to access assessments again, this is how it’s done: 1. Navigate on the left side menu to find Assessments. 2. Click on Assessments and you will see a list of all active assessments that you have been invited to. Start An Assessment Start an assessment in just one click! Here is how it’s done: 1. Access the list of active assessments. 2. Click on Start on the assessment that you want to attempt. Choose Decline if you do not want to attempt it. 3. Once you choose Start you will be directed to Assessment instructions, read them carefully and then click on Start to begin. Attempting An Assessment Pausing An Assessment Testfuse lets candidates pause an assessment while attempting it. To pause an assessment, you must finish one complete test type while attempting it. However, if you do not see a timer on your screen while attempting the test, your assessment is paused, thus, you can safely return to the dashboard. You will be able to resume where you left off. Resuming An Assessment It just takes one click for candidates to resume an assessment on Testfuse. You can right away resume an assessment after pausing it but if you have returned to the dashboard here is what you must do: 1. Navigate on the left side menu to find Assessments. 2. Click on Assessments and you will see a list of all active assessments that you have been invited to. Alongside, you will see assessments that are in progress. 3. Click on Resume on the assessment that you want to resume. Qualifying Questions Candidates cannot attempt an assessment unless they correctly answer the qualifying questions. If you fail to answer qualifying questions you will be directed back to the dashboard. If not, then you will be further able to attempt the assessment. Welcome Video Candidates get to see the welcome video as set up by the recruiter. This way, you can get better insights into the company and job before attempting the assessment. Skill-based test 1. Before every distinct skill-based test you will have to click on Start Test 2. You will now see MCQs according to the skill that you are being tested for. 3. Choose the right answer and click Next. 4. Keep attempting tests until you see the assessment progress and can move on to the next test type. Coding test 1. Before every distinct coding test, you will have to click on Start Test 2. You will now see a coding interface where you will have to code according to the problem statement. 3. You can run your code against a set of public unit tests to see if you're going in the right direction, in terms of solving the problem. Click on the Run button in the coding interface to run your code against public unit tests. 4. Type in your code and click Next. 5. Keep attempting tests until you see the assessment progress and can move on to the next test type. DISCLAIMER: Please refrain from solving only the public tests. There is a private set of tests based on which you will actually be scored. To get a perfect score you must carefully read the problem description and write a solution according to the requirements/constraints. Value fitness test 1. Before starting the value fitness test, you will have to click on Start Test 2. You will now see MCQs according to the organizational values that you are being tested for. 3. Choose the right answer and click Next. 4. Keep attempting tests until you see the assessment progress and can move on to the next test type. Case Study test 1. You will see an introductory statement telling you about the Case Study as soon as you start a Case Study test. 2. Read it carefully and click ‘Yes I am ready to start an assessment’. 3. You will now be directed to the response screen where you will be asked to answer one or more questions with text, video, or file upload response types. 4. Once satisfied with your response, click submit. Text Response test 1. Before beginning the text response test, you will have to click on Start Test. 2. You will then be directed to a screen where you will find the problem statement and will be able to answer it within a set time limit. 3. After you are done writing click on Submit to move on to the next test in the assessment. Video Response test 1. Before beginning the video response test, you will have to click on Start Test. 2. You will then be directed to a screen where you will be able to set up your camera and mic. Camera and Mic Setup Make sure that Testfuse can access your camera and mic via the browser. This is how you can manage: 1. Look into camera and mic settings. 2. Grant permissions. 3. Later, use the Test Camera button to test whether your camera is working fine. 4. To record a response, you must click on Start Recording. 5. Once done, click on Submit to move on to the next test. File Upload Test 1. Before beginning the upload test, you will have to click on Start Test. 2. Now you will see a screen where you will find the problem statement and will be able to upload it to a file. 3. Click on Upload file and then Submit. AI-Driven Personality Insights Testfuse delivers AI-Driven Personality Insights that use video and textual responses to deliver comprehensive findings into a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses for better hiring decisions. To be able to enable the recruiter to analyze your personality using AI, you must carefully attempt the text and video response tests.

Last updated on Jul 01, 2024

Platform Overview (all tabs defined)

Assessment Tab The Assessment Tab from the left side menu is where you land first once you sign in to Testfuse. This tab consists of sub-tabs that move you through assessments according to their active status. Following are the sub-tabs available: - Active This is the default landing assessment tab, the first screen that you see when you sign in to Testfuse. This tab shows all the active assessments currently available on your dashboard. - Draft This tab shows all the assessments that were not yet published and are still in the process of editing. You can simply click on an assessment and resume to design it according to your requirements. - Archived This tab shows all the archived assessments that no longer can be shared with the candidates to attempt. Candidates The Candidates Tab from the left side menu is where you can find the candidates and review their status on the dashboard. Here you can see the candidates’ names, the number of tests taken, email addresses, the date when the candidate was invited on Testfuse, and their last activity time stamp. Settings The Settings Tab from the left side menu is where you can access different settings. The sub-tabs include Personal, Company, and Team, following actions can take place in each sub-tab: - Personal This is the default settings tab where you get to set up your personal profile on Testfuse. - Company This tab enables you to set up your company profile by adding relevant information and the company logo. - Team This tab enables you to invite all important team members and stakeholders to Testfuse. You can either choose between Admin or Member to grant them a role in Testfuse. Create an Assessment The Create an Assessment button in the Assessments Tab lets you create and design a new assessment. Notifications When you click on Notifications in the left side menu you get to view all notifications from Testfuse. Personal Icon This icon on the bottom left side menu shows your active status. When clicked, this section further expands providing you with options to Edit Profile and Sign Out.

Last updated on Jul 01, 2024

Adding Additional Options to an Assessment

You can add a range of additional features to your assessment to make it more personalized, bias-free, and affordable. Here are all the additional features you can add and how: - Welcome Video Welcome Video can be added to make an assessment more interactive and personalized. You can add your company’s introduction or any relevant video of your choice. Here is how it can be added: 1. Click on Welcome Video on the right-side menu. 2. If you want to upload a video file, drag and drop File Upload from the right sidebar. 3. Simply upload a video file of less than 25MB. If you want to add a video link instead, here is what you need to do: 1. Click on the Welcome Video on the right-side menu. 2. Drag and drop Add Link from the right-sidebar. 3. Paste the video link in the Insert Link box and you are good to go. - Qualifying Questions Qualifying Questions not just empower you to only screen the best available candidates but also makes assessments way more affordable. Testfuse only charges $1 per assessment attempt once a candidate qualifies through the Qualifying Questions. A candidate can only attempt an assessment if he/she correctly answers the qualifying questions. Here is how qualifying questions can be added: 1. Drag and drop the type of qualifying questions that you prefer to add from the right-side menu. You can choose from: 1. Numeric 2. True/False 3. MCQs 2. Enter the question statements. 3. Set the answer response according to the question type and you are good to go. - Anti Cheat Functionality Anti Cheat function enables you to monitor and ensure security while the assessment is being attempted. 1. Click on the Anti-Cheat option available on the right-side menu and a drop option will appear stating, “Snapshots of candidates will be taken every 30 seconds via webcam.” 2. Upon clicking the option, another option will appear stating, “Mark mandatory for candidates to enable webcam while doing assessment.” 3. Select the options and apply Anti-Cheat on the current assessment.

Last updated on Jul 01, 2024

Accessing Recruiter Dashboard

The recruiter dashboard on Testfuse is highly accessible. You can view and analyze results based on assessment performance with ease. Besides, you can also view assessment attempts per candidate. Here is how all this is done: View results per Active Assessment 1. From the left side menu click on Assessments and access Active from the sub menu. 2. Click on the Assessment name to access the results dashboard. 3. Now you will see a list of Candidates who have or are currently attempting the assessment. You can switch between tabs to filter candidates. Results filter and Tabs All Candidates Here you will see all the candidates that have tried to attempt the assessment or have been invited to attempt it. Pending This tab will show all the candidates that have not yet shown up to attempt the assessment despite having an invite sent. In Progress This tab will show all the candidates that are currently attempting the assessment and have not finally submitted it. Completed This tab will show all the candidates who have completed and finally submitted the assessment. Declined This tab will show all the candidates who were invited to attempt an assessment but choose to decline the invitation. Not Qualified This tab will show all the candidates that could not qualify for the qualifying questions while attempting an assessment. 1. Click on any Candidate to access results in detail. A comprehensive side menu will open on the right providing all the test progress in detail. View results per Candidate 1. From the left side menu click on Candidates. 2. Click on the Candidate name to access the results dashboard. 3. Now you will see a list of Assessments that the selected Candidate has tried to attempt or was invited to attempt. Results filter and Tabs All Assessments Here you will see all the assessments that a candidate was invited to attempt. Pending This tab will show all the assessments that a candidate did not show up for and neither declined. In Progress This tab will show all the assessments that a candidate is currently attempting and has not submitted yet. Completed This tab will show all the assessments that a candidate completed and submitted. Declined This tab will show all the assessments that a candidate was invited to but was declined. Not Qualified This tab will show all the assessments that a candidate couldn’t qualify for.

Last updated on Jul 01, 2024

Attempting An Assessment

Pausing An Assessment Testfuse lets candidates pause an assessment while attempting it. To pause an assessment, you must finish one complete test type while attempting it. However, if you do not see a timer on your screen while attempting the test, your assessment is paused, thus, you can safely return to the dashboard. You will be able to resume where you left off. Resuming An Assessment It just takes one click for candidates to resume an assessment on Testfuse. You can right away resume an assessment after pausing it but if you have returned to the dashboard here is what you must do: 1. Navigate on the left side menu to find Assessments. 2. Click on Assessments and you will see a list of all active assessments that you have been invited to. Alongside, you will see assessments that are in progress. 3. Click on Resume on the assessment that you want to resume. Qualifying Questions Candidates cannot attempt an assessment unless they correctly answer the qualifying questions. If you fail to answer qualifying questions you will be directed back to the dashboard. If not, then you will be further able to attempt the assessment. Welcome Video Candidates get to see the welcome video as set up by the recruiter. This way, you can get better insights into the company and job before attempting the assessment. Skill-based test 1. Before every distinct skill-based test you will have to click on Start Test 2. You will now see MCQs according to the skill that you are being tested for. 3. Choose the right answer and click Next. 4. Keep attempting tests until you see the assessment progress and can move on to the next test type. Coding test 1. Before every distinct coding test, you will have to click on Start Test 2. You will now see a coding interface where you will have to code according to the problem statement. 3. You can run your code against a set of public unit tests to see if you're going in the right direction, in terms of solving the problem. Click on the Run button in the coding interface to run your code against public unit tests. 4. Type in your code and click Next. 5. Keep attempting tests until you see the assessment progress and can move on to the next test type. DISCLAIMER: Please refrain from solving only the public tests. There is a private set of tests based on which you will actually be scored. To get a perfect score you must carefully read the problem description and write a solution according to the requirements/constraints. Value fitness test 1. Before starting the value fitness test, you will have to click on Start Test 2. You will now see MCQs according to the organizational values that you are being tested for. 3. Choose the right answer and click Next. 4. Keep attempting tests until you see the assessment progress and can move on to the next test type. Case Study test 1. You will see an introductory statement telling you about the Case Study as soon as you start a Case Study test. 2. Read it carefully and click ‘Yes I am ready to start an assessment’. 3. You will now be directed to the response screen where you will be asked to answer one or more questions with text, video, or file upload response types. 4. Once satisfied with your response, click submit. Text Response test 1. Before beginning the text response test, you will have to click on Start Test. 2. You will then be directed to a screen where you will find the problem statement and will be able to answer it within a set time limit. 3. After you are done writing click on Submit to move on to the next test in the assessment. Video Response test 1. Before beginning the video response test, you will have to click on Start Test. 2. You will then be directed to a screen where you will be able to set up your camera and mic. Camera and Mic Setup Make sure that Testfuse can access your camera and mic via the browser. This is how you can manage: 1. Look into camera and mic settings. 2. Grant permissions. 3. Later, use the Test Camera button to test whether your camera is working fine. 4. To record a response, you must click on Start Recording. 5. Once done, click on Submit to move on to the next test. File Upload Test 1. Before beginning the upload test, you will have to click on Start Test. 2. Now you will see a screen where you will find the problem statement and will be able to upload it to a file. 3. Click on Upload file and then Submit. AI-Driven Personality Insights Testfuse delivers AI-Driven Personality Insights that use video and textual responses to deliver comprehensive findings into a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses for better hiring decisions. To be able to enable the recruiter to analyze your personality using AI, you must carefully attempt the text and video response tests.

Last updated on Jul 01, 2024

Candidate Account Set Up

Once you click on the Sign Up button in the email invitation or access the public link, you will now be directed to the account setup. Click login if you are already registered on Testfuse. If not, then follow these guidelines: Creating An Account 1. Access your mailbox to look for the invitation email, in case you are unable to find an email look into the spam folder as well. 2. Open the email, there you will find all the details stating which company has invited you for which assessment. 3. Click on the Sign Up button and set up your account. 4. Enter your Name and set a Password then click Sign up. 5. Now access www.testfuse.com enter your credentials and sign in. You will now be logged in to Testfuse. Setting Up Profile Setting up a profile on Testfuse is quick and easy! Here is all that you must do: 1. Navigate to the left side menu to find Profile Settings. 2. Once you click on Profile Settings you will be able to make changes to your profile. 3. Upload your image, change your name and password if you want to, and click Save Changes. Accessing Assessments The Testfuse interface is highly accessible to candidates. As soon as candidates log in to Testfuse they get to see all active assessments. In case you have accessed some other options on Testfuse and want to access assessments again, this is how it’s done: 1. Navigate on the left side menu to find Assessments. 2. Click on Assessments and you will see a list of all active assessments that you have been invited to. Start An Assessment Start an assessment in just one click! Here is how it’s done: 1. Access the list of active assessments. 2. Click on Start on the assessment that you want to attempt. Choose Decline if you do not want to attempt it. 3. Once you choose Start you will be directed to Assessment instructions, read them carefully and then click on Start to begin.

Last updated on Jul 01, 2024